Metha Treil (44): a single provider for the production and purification of biogas

La revue des énergies renouvelables et des solutions alternatives.

Metha Treil (44): a single provider for the production and purification of biogas

Metha Treil (44): a single provider for the production and purification of biogas

« Having a single interface allowed us to avoid the games of dismissal of responsibilities »

In December 2019, the biogas unit of Metha Treil SAS, comprising five farmers, is expected to inject its first Nm3 biomethane on the network, at Machecoul Saint-Même (44). To carry out its project, the SAS has called on a company that has taken charge of all the biogas production and purification processes. »The fact of retaining a single contact for the design and implementation of the installation guaranteed us to have a single interface and avoid falling into games of dismissal responsibilities, » said Erwan Bocquier, President of the SAS. The choice also fell on the company proposing a mixture of digesters thanks to a system with blades. We had visited several facilities and this solution seemed the best, considering our inputs. « Among these inputs, livestock effluents, silage from CIVE or corn, vegetable by-products … In total, more than 16,000 tonnes will be recovered each year by two digesters of 1,800 m3 and one post -digester of 4,500 m3. The latter offers the possibility of increasing production in the years to come.For now, it is planned to inject 125 Nm3 / h of biomethane. « In the sector, there are companies and market gardeners in demand for green gas, says Erwan Bocquier. We will also recover CO2, after the scrubber. It will be valued by market gardeners. We will heat the digesters with a biogas boiler and the heat recovered at the CO2 liquefier. With all of these measures, we are aiming for a return on investment of eight years, knowing that the project has not received any grant. The calls for tenders from ADEME were slow in coming out and we did not want to wait anymore.

« Professional words: « Positive synergies »

« It is always interesting to have a hand on the entire design-realization of a biogas site, as it allows for positive synergies, » says Nicolas Dromer, AgriKomp France’s Major Projects Manager. For example, on the Metha Treil site, the liquefaction of CO2 makes it possible to recover 1% of additional biomethane, at the time of purification of the biogas. «



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