Biogas and recruitment: combining experienced profiles with human added value

La revue des énergies renouvelables et des solutions alternatives.

Biogas and recruitment: combining experienced profiles with human added value

In-depth work on training to anticipate the expansion of the sector

Jean-Philippe Burtin,
Executive Director

« In four years, methanization has increased from 5% to 40% of our activity »

What are the current recruitment trends in the renewable energy sector, and more specifically in the methanisation sector?
With the emergence of many projects, renewable energies have strong needs in terms of new talent. Regarding methanisation, the boom is significant: in four years, it has increased from 5% to 40% of our recruitment activity. This sector is characterised by several problems. First of all, she is relatively young. It is therefore not always easy to find experienced profiles. Moreover, it is developing more in rural areas, which may raise the question of the attractiveness of the positions to be filled.
How is the issue of skills taken into account?
It is possible to build bridges with older ancillary industrial sectors, such as waste treatment, for example. In this case, we set up training plans. We also have partnerships with schools to create training and introduce students to a field that deserves to be better known. Thanks to the challenges offered by renewable energies, 70% of our recruitments are achieved through a pure talent hunt. In terms of the prospects for the biogas market, we are keeping an eye on the new multiannual energy programming. I remain optimistic about the sector’s ability to adapt to it. To anticipate its expansion, it has already begun in-depth work on training.
You mentioned the rural nature of methanisation. How is this component integrated into the recruitment work?
Methanisation, which allows the creation of jobs anchored in their territory, has a real human added value, which we emphasise in our approach. Bringing skills to our customers, while taking into account this human dimension, requires a long-term effort. In this respect, our business has similarities with my cereal business in eastern France. In addition to providing us with a detailed vision of needs in the field, this experience makes us aware that we must be patient before we can reap the benefits of our work…


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